Our wonderful receptionist Andie shared something very personal with us a short time ago.
While we were discussing an office blood drive, she shared that she’s afraid of needles, something we understand is pretty common. And while she would really like to donate blood, she’s worried her fear will be a problem when it comes time to give.
How can you help her? Well, we thought you could share some words of encouragement, or past experiences with Andie to help her get over her fear… There’s nothing like a kind word from a wise soul to help nudge someone along.
- Share a story about how a blood donation helped you or someone you love.
- Share about how you deal with your own fear of needles.
- Share some words of encouragement to help her get past this hurdle.
Let’s all help Andie get over her fear and accomplish her goal. Please leave a comment below.

Thank you, Natalie. I will go to my happy-place.
Let them know you are scared– it will not be the first time they have heard that and you are in good company as needle phobia is very common.
Let them know you may faint and will need the chair tilted back a bit (like a dentist’s chair!).
Don’t watch.
Give yourself congrats. for even trying regardless of the outcome!
Thank you, Brenda. That was helpful.
When I need to have blood drawn for medical, I always ask for the smallest needle. But I think for the amount of blood they need for donation, it would just take forever. So I will recline the chair and try the normal size… eek!
Getting needles is no problem. Early on I decided if anyone was going to put needles into me I was going to turn the tables on them ahead of time and make sure they did a good job. I advised them that I always give grades from 1 to 10. That puts them on their mark to do a good job and maybe pay more attention. I make into a joke to keep it light. You would be surprised how it works. After all I refuse to be anyone’s average PIN CUSHION. Sometimes I don’t even feel it!
Oh jeez, Francesca… You just made me worried how I’m doing as a receptionist, are you grading me?
Thank you for the advice, I will put them on their mark.
don’t do it andie – vampires will smell you from miles away!
John, not to worry – I am making myself a garlic necklace.
Look away, relax completely, and think of something else.