Dr. Lancelot A. Brown Toronto Dentist


Our dental office is now open for all services and procedures.

While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your safety. Please be assured that we will be taking care of you just as well as we will be taking care of our own families.

We have changed our appointment procedures and taken other precautionary measures to provide a safe dental treatment appointment, which we have explained below.

Prior to Coming In For Your Appointment

Upon Initial Entry To Our Office

Before Your Appointment

After Your Appointment

While we LOVE punctuality, we ask that you do not come early for your appointment and that you do not linger afterwards, in order to encourage physical spacing.  We also ask that any accompanying individuals wait outside the dental practice (e.g. in their car), unless absolutely required.  You can also wait outside and call us to let us know you have arrived – we will then call you to come up once your treatment room is ready.

In-Office Measures

We are proceeding with an abundance of caution as we want you to feel as confident as we do that any visit you make to our office will be a safe one.
We look forward to reconnecting with each of you and providing for your dental needs. 

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice.

Dr. Lancelot Brown and Team

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